Western Mystery Schools Study Group
The world is transforming around us and through us. This is a time of apocalypse or revelation, when what was hidden becomes revealed. COVID-19 – a viral RNA genome – is fluidly spreading around the entire world, making one-fifth of all humans it spreads to seriously or critically ill, slowing the rate of human consumption and production in a way that was unimaginable only months ago. It is revealing the flaws and failings of our social, economic, and political systems and structures, as it also revealing the true nature of our interconnectedness. We are also getting a forced meditation on what is, in fact, essential; what do we actually need to live. While our personal focus should prioritize and include our physical safety and care for ourselves and those in our immediate vicinity as well as participating mindfully in collective efforts, it may also be an ideal time for seeking and spelunking the inner caves of shadows and wonders. It might be time to tend to and strengthen our spiritual foundations, which will mean something different to everyone. If you’re here, reading this, maybe we are on the same psychopoetic page.
I have designed a study group experience for those interested in deepening their understanding of the Western mystery schools and mystical arts. This weekly Wednesday small-group workshop will provide a safe container for gathering online with a cohort of like-hearted seekers. We will initially structure the study around the comic book series Promethea written by Alan Moore, an entertaining story that happens to also transmit the basics about several of these complex systems of symbols. Until last year, these books were difficult and expensive to get your hands on. But they reissued her last spring for her 20th Anniversary. (Two of the three editions are out, with the third and final edition coming in July – you will need these texts to participate.)
Meetings will combine some light lecture/storytelling, experiential meditation, guided sharing and witnessing. We will discuss what comes up in the books while also reflecting on the “text” of life experiences. The territories of the Western wisdom schools include a wide range of philosophies and systems of symbols belonging to Hermeticism, alchemy, astrology, numerology, the Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Sufism, and paganism. These schools and belief systems were integrated during the Renaissance and after into various occult schools of thought and practice, and then later understood and integrated further by Jungian and Post Jungian schools of depth psychology. We will weave in different facets of the diamond as we go, grounding firmly in feminist, anti-racist, post-colonial and post-capitalist critique, and adapt to support what emerges in the group. This material is both rich and catalyzing; it may help us contain the processes of transformation we are already undergoing, and initiate some fresh ones.
The cost to participate is $200 a month, with sliding scale offered to those who need it. This includes the weekly group session, and one additional one-on-one session with Mindy each month. Current clients already seeing Mindy on a weekly basis may be able to participate for no additional charge. Arrangements will be made individually.
The first meeting and a Q&A before officially joining will be held on Wednesday, May 27th at 3pm PT / 6pm ET. It will be a waxing crescent moon at 06°of Leo. If you are a current client or student and think you want in, apply by emailing me. If you have never worked with me before, it’s a good idea to sign up for a one-on-one session before the week of May 27th. You can do that through this site pretty easily – head to “Work with Mindy” and then the “Individual Sessions” page. If you have trouble finding an available time that works for you as we get closer to the 27th, just email me.