Healing Your Anxiety
How are you doing with your anxiety? Ongoing high anxiety may be due to nervous system dysregulation and unresolved trauma. Or, of course, ongoing exposure to unsafe conditions, like those of a white supremacist patriarchy, or all of the above. Symptoms vary and can include a whole spectrum of unholy problems, from hyper-vigilance, panic attacks, memory problems, intrusive and circling thoughts, insomnia, depression, digestive problems, and variable somatic complaints such as headache and muscle pain. Every nervous system is a little different in this regard. But if you experience yourself as being on the high-strung end of the spectrum, and if you could use some relief and some support before the holidays, this workshop is for you.
If you could use some support loving on your stressed out nervous system, please join me for this intro workshop on Healing Your Anxiety. It will involve an introduction to the group of nervous-system chilling and healing herbs called nervines, a primer on the nervous system and practices for improving vagal tone, and the trauma healing theories of Stephen Levine.
An online anytime version of this workshop will be available by Thursday, November th. Donations are welcome, but this online version is absolutely free. You must sign up to receive it.
If you are not already on the list, sign up to be notified when the online version is released on Thursday November 15th- http://eepurl.com/dI2l4f
A live in-person version of this workshop is being on Sunday, November 18th from 2pm to 5pm in SE Portland, Oregon. Space is limited for the in-person, so RSVP soon. The suggested donation for this workshop is $36, but no one will be denied for lack of funds.
Register for the live in-person workshop on Sunday November 18th by emailing Mindy.
How to make your donation:
You can bring cash or card to the workshop, or make a donation anytime online:
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/MindyNettifee
Venmo: @Melinda-Nettifee
Square Cash: $MindyNettifee