The Writer's Process Group

Writing a book is a major endeavor. Understanding the call to write it, cultivating a vision for it, researching and experimenting with ways to write it, and then crafting that book to a finished first draft, and then! editing and polishing and seeking the right channels for publication - it's a lot. If you are writing a book, or getting ready to, and are in need of a facilitated group of writers to provide containment, inspiration, and camaraderie along the way, this process group could be for you.

Those familiar with Mindy's work in either poetry, somatic depth psychology, or cosmic clockworks studies will already have a sense of the style of facilitation and the repertoire of support possible. All genres of writing are welcome. And this group may especially beneficial for those whose writing touches on or centers themes of personal or collective healing, creativity, and culture transformation.

If your spidey sense is tingling, you can book an exploration call with Mindy. There are openings for small groups beginning his fall and next year in early spring 2024. Here are some more facts to consider:

  • Process groups will be held remotely over Zoom for 90 minutes, with occasional opportunities to gather in-person in or near Portland, Oregon.
  • Days and times of these weekly open meetings will be determined by collaboratively, consulting both Mindy's availability and the best fit for the group that comes together.
  • The cost of participation in the group is monthly offering on a sliding scale of $200-$300. Additional regular or occasional individual support may be available at an additional cost.
  • This is not a writing workshop. We will not be writing or editing during our live time together. This is a place to share your behind-the-scenes process with others as well as your writing, get support for the physical and emotional work of manifesting a book, and get deadlines or feedback when you need and request them, and get regular dosed of self-compassion, courage, dedication, and energy to keep going.

Book an exploration call

***If booking module is not showing below in your browser, please go to to see availability and book appointments.